Monday, January 21, 2013

Finals (and all that good stuff!)

This week we will be working on your essays. You should come to class with all of the artifacts of your learning ready to use. This includes dialogue journals--worksheets from Things Fall Apart, quizzes, etc. with which you will compose an expository style Literary Analysis paper.  This handwritten piece of work will be preceded by some type of pre-write (you will have several options). You will likely do a rough draft (or at least a detailed outline) and then a handwritten final. This handwritten essay will be 50% of your grade for the final, worth 100 points total.

The other half of the final will be a short answer test covering the terms an concepts listed on the study guide I handed out last week. You are each allowed one 3x5 card to write definitions of terms. You may use both sides of the card but it must be handwritten. If it is typed or copied from another source, you will not be allowed to use it on the final.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

I hope you feel ready to write really beautiful, well-crafted essays. You have done some wonderful thinking about the book and exploring of the expository form.

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