Monday, September 29, 2014

Homework for Tuesday Sept.30 Wednesday Oct. 1--The Power of Language

Read the agreed upon pages in the article by Joyce Carol Oates called "The Greatest," about Muhammad Ali. Remember, if you are reading with a partner, you are both responsible to each other for completing your section.

Annotate using the prompts from the CARPE note making method. Remember to stretch yourself to annotate in a variety of ways. Ask deep questions. Probe for meaning. Connect to the text. The purpose of this activity is not necessarily to look for figurative language, but rather to show that you can understand the text, interpret the meaning accurately, and analyze the author's message, style, purpose, tone, structure, etc.

You should have at least one annotation every two paragraphs. Circle and look up definitions for words you don't know. Write definitions in the margins. Come to class prepared to share your work!

Monday, September 22, 2014

HW for Tuesday/Wednesday

Of course--read each day for pleasure.
Visit your vocabulary words.

Nothing else. Except second period. Please annotate that poem. Mark wildly all over it! Use CARPE as a guide.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Monday Homework

This weekend pay attention to figurative language that is used by your friends, family, on the radio, or in song lyrics. Bring one "piece" of figurative language to class on Monday. (Just write it on a scrap of paper or put it in your journal.)

Period 8 exempt because I didn't have time to tell you :)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Due Monday!

A complete vignette (5 paragraphs) modeled after the Sandra Cisneros "My Name" piece we read in class. The vignette should use a range of figurative language to express implicitly your feelings about your name. It also needs to include an anecdote (mini-story) expressing an event or moment connected with your name.

I look forward do seeing your drafts!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Homework Update!

Because of a few scheduling things, we will not be working on the Vignette until Thursday and Friday in class. That means that the rough draft is going to be due Monday rather than at the beginning of class Thursday and Friday (something I had scheduled in Synergy). Stay posted for the new final draft due date.  I will make changes in Synergy to indicate the change.

As for homework due Wed./Thurs. and Fri. of this week--there is none. Come prepared with your composition notebook, a pen or pencil, and your folder and your SSR choice book for class.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Due on Monday!

Monday please remember to bring supplies: composition notebook (okay if wide-ruled), pen/pencil, and a folder with pockets (or other organizational tool of your choice for worksheets and homework).

Also bring an SSR book, and your completed 15 Sentence Portrait (Autobiographical Poem). This can be typed but does not need to be.

Past due: signed syllabus and formal letter.

Enjoy the heat!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Welcome to Ms. Brandy's blog and to Sophomore English at Grant High School!

Reminders for Thursday/Friday:

  • Complete the formal letter to me. This may be typed or handwritten, but it must be representative of your best work as it functions as a pre-assessment and it shows me how well you are able to follow written instructions.
  • Bring your syllabus back, signed by you and a parent or guardian, showing that you have discussed the content and expectations of the course.