Sunday, May 5, 2013

Challenge Criteria Opportunities:

1. Read Reading Lolita in Tehran, a memoir in four parts, by Azar Nafisi and write a review of the book and take sticky note quotes (1 page typed). 70 points for work well done.
2. Read Samarkand, a novel by Amin Maalouf and write a review/response (1 page typed plus notes on book). 70 points for work well done.
3. Watch Argo, a newly released film, with Ben Affleck and write a review, (1 page typed). 40 points for work well done.
4. Free Rice. 20,000 grains. 40 points for work well done.
5. Read Does My Head Look Big in This? by Randa Abdel-Fattah a story about an 11th grade girl who decides to begin wearing the veil while going to an Australian High School. Read, take qualitative notes and write a review/create a project based on the book. See below:

Book Description

The slide opened and I heard a gentle, kind voice: What is your confession, my child? I was stuffed. The Priest would declare me a heretic; my parents would call me a traitor... The Priest asked me again: What is your confession, my child? I'm Muslim, I whispered. Welcome to my world. I'm Amal Abdel-Hakim, a seventeen year-old Australian-Palestinian-Muslim still trying to come to grips with my various identity hyphens. It's hard enough being cool as a teenager when being one issue behind the latest Cosmo is enough to disqualify you from the in-group. Try wearing a veil on your head and practising the bum's-up position at lunchtime and you know you're in for a tough time at school. Luckily my friends support me, although they've got a few troubles of their own. Simone, blonde, gorgeous and overweight - she's got serious image issues, and Leila's really intelligent but her parents are more interested in her getting a marriage certificate than her high school certificate! And I thought I had problems.
6. A student gave me a wonderful book on Friday called, October Mourning, A Song for Matthew Shepherd, by Leslea Newman. I read it in two sittings, less than 24 hours apart--it is that important. The book is comprised of narrative poems related to the murder of Matthew Shepherd, a gay, 21-year-old student and activist attending the University of Wyoming. He was brutally beaten for his sexual orientation and died of injuries. It is an incredibly sad event and a harrowing story that should be heard. I want as many of you to read it as possible. I will offer challenge criteria points for it (50) but mostly I want you to read it thoughtfully and courageously. As a response I want you to consider, in a project of importance to you, how to stop hate crimes.
7. Read Persepolis 2--which can be found at the Multnomah County Library. Draw a 3 page graphic novel version of your own story or growing up, or write a written response (1 page well-crafted). 70 points for a job well-done.
8. Choose a newspaper article of a current event and draw your own graphic novel version of events. One page, 40 points for a job well-done.

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