Sunday, November 4, 2012

Role of Literature/the Writer in Culture Essay--a few notes on grades

I spoke with several teachers over the weekend and we discussed how to best grade the 6+1 Traits of Writing Rubric.  As this is an evolving discussion as we are all working to decide what the best method is to help you develop as writers.  The general consensus is as follows: no matter what grade you are in, 6th through 12th, the translation from the 6+1 Rubric to the letter grade should be the consistent (sorry Aubrey!) A mix of 5s and 6s  on the 6+1 Writing Traits Rubric puts you in the A/B range for a letter grade. 4s and 5s is B/C range.  4s should be seen as representing C work as it is proficient (meaning it does the job and is not hindered by major errors). Anything below a 4 should be seen as developing but deficient and therefore would earn a D or F letter grade.

Special note*; We all agreed that a scored of 4 for a 6th grader would look different than a 4 for a 10th grader, so that is how we differentiate grades.  As high schoolers, you are expected to grow every year, so proficient (an overall score of 4) would mean that as 12th graders you will be in even greater command of the basic skills of writing than you are now.  Scores of 5s and 6s really represent a successful command of the finer points of writing.

I hope this makes sense. If you are confused at all, please do come check-in.

Ms. B


  1. hey ms brandy, do we have to use those words on that sheet you gave us at the end of class in our essay? I'm a little confused.

  2. You do not have to use the vocabulary I gave you (customs, hegemony, ethnocentrism, etc.) in the body of your paper. What you must do is define the words and turn them in with your final draft. I want you to have them to use if you like and I want you to KNOW them.

    I hope that helps!
